The IHRDC extends its warm congratulations to the Republic of Turkey. Today is a special day, as it marks the hundredth anniversary of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic. This historic event testifies to the progress made by Turkey, which has established itself as a leading state in many areas. Turkey has been able to develop an independent domestic and foreign policy, thus demonstrating its desire to make sovereign decisions. Additionally, it has managed to establish strategic partnerships with a growing number of countries around the world. This success demonstrates Turkey’s credibility and growing influence on the international scene. As a defender of human rights, we welcome Turkey’s efforts to promote universal values and guarantee respect for fundamental rights. We hope that this positive dynamic will continue and that Turkey will continue to work towards a more just and equal world. Happy centenary to the Turkish Republic!
The IHRDC is convinced that the Turkish people are proud to celebrate the centenary of their country which, during this period, has achieved enormous successes in the political, socio-economic, cultural and humanitarian fields and has acquired strong authority over the international arena as an active participant in solving regional and global problems. These political successes were achieved through informed decisions and well-thought-out strategies that allowed Turkey to establish strong alliances with other nations. Socio-economically, Turkey has experienced significant growth over the past hundred years, transforming into a dynamic emerging economy. Culturally, the country has preserved and promoted its rich history and cultural diversity, thereby strengthening its national identity. Finally, on the humanitarian front, Turkey is committed to helping vulnerable populations across the world by providing essential medical, food and humanitarian assistance. These achievements have solidified Turkey’s position as a key player on the global stage and demonstrate the dedication of the Turkish people to continued development in all areas.